
Join these incredible organizations, and get started working with Christa today.

Take your personal leadership and your team to the next level.


  • Michael White, Chief Marketing & Development Officer

    “Christa did a marvelous job leading our team in an exploration and application of the Enneagram. She approached the sessions with wisdom, grace and great sensitivity. The variety of breakout groups – mixed types, similar types and random were artfully selected for the discussion exercises. Her handouts are wonderful resources that I still refer to weekly if not daily. The mix of presentation teaching with breakout discussion was nicely balanced and helped us all understand ourselves and each other better. Thank you!

    I heartily recommend Christa for any team seeking to apply the Enneagram. “

  • Kim Petersen, VP of Design & Brand Strategy

    “Levante Living is a Canadian owned company that operates 25 retirement residences across Ontario. As all our Support Office Team works virtually, our in-person conferences and workshops are very important to us, and we endeavor to make them as meaningful as possible.

    Over the course of a day, Christa Hesselink led our Support Office Team through an exploration of the Enneagram. We learned about ourselves, each other, and the implications in the workplace. Christa is a gracious host and a wise guide and made the day informative, interactive, and fun. The team loved it. I would highly recommend Christa for your next conference or workshop.”

  • Cheryl Janssen, Director of People Engagement

    “As an organization focused on growth, development and creating a sense of connection and belonging, we reached out to Christa to lead us through a session on “Exploring the Enneagram”. Our team gained powerful insights through the workshop and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated this introduction to the Enneagram and how it can support our growth and self awareness as individuals and a team. As a result of the workshop, we were able to understand and appreciate one another on a deeper level and now have a better awareness of what motivates each person on the team.

    Christa is a gifted facilitator who has a warm and inviting presentation style. She engaged our group thoughtfully and navigated the content in a sensitive way that encouraged us to self reflect and connect as a team -- this is high praise coming from a group that spends most of their day presenting, teaching and leading others! We found great value in being led and taught by Christa. “

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